Monday, March 31, 2008

What is she making?

Seeing a woman wear an apron lets you know
she loves to create.
Her creations may be pies
or paintings
or pottery,
but she also produces
an aura of comfort,
and curiosity.
You just naturally think,
"What is she making?"
~Jeannnie Pierce
an excerpt from
MaryJane's Farm Magazine
"Artists in Aprons" Issue


Rebecca said...

Hello Kimberly,

Oh my, looks like I've found another Tea Lover. I read your lovely post on Button Willow Chronicles and when you mentioned a cup of tea I wanted to visit your site to learn more about you.

Many Blessings to yet another Kindred Spirit!

Rebecca(Ladies' Historical Tea Society)

Heidi said...

I read your response on the reluctant entertainer blog and i loved your idea for organizing meals - i'm going to start this at our church (formally) and i'm using your ideas of the forms you create - is there anything else that you would do that you didn't write on the blog? many thanks!


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