
Monday, July 09, 2012

Anne of Green Gables Tea Party

I did not discover Anne until I was an adult.  How much I missed!  A kindred spirit lent me the movies and I was hooked.
 I love Anne.  I love how she sees the world.  It is such a different mindset that what we normally see, isn't it? 
 Here was a girl who had seen much tragedy in her young life, but chose to find the beauty in each moment and focus on the best.  Such a contrast to another character in the stories who lived as a orphan as well, but  allowed bitterness to rule in her life.

I would love to visit PEI someday.  But realistically, it'll never happen.  Besides, I can see so much of it in my imagination, which also allows me to ignore the down parts that a visit might reveal.
I *try* to see life through Anne's lens.  Sometimes, I forget and land in the depths of despair.  I'm sure it is nothing that a plate of plum puffs could not improve.  But as our plums won't be ripe for another month, I will just have to share some other treats.

Won't you join me for a cup of tea  and maybe a piece of Lavender Shortbread?  (Actually, these are from batches I made for a neighborhood gathering this weekend.  I haven't and won't actually be enjoying them myself.  See prior post.  But I can indulge my neighbors!)

Here's the recipe for the Lavender Shortbread.  Do, of course, make sure that your lavender is pesticide-free.

Lavender Shortbread/Scalloped Poppyseed Shortbread
  1/2 lb butter, softened
3/4 c powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbl poppyseeds, or lavender buds

Preheat oven to 325*  Mix everything until dough just comes together.  Pat and roll out gently about 1/4" thick on a lightly floured surface, or parchment paper.  (It is so hot in here right now that I had to put the dough in the fridge for a few minutes before I could even roll it out and I tucked the dough back in between batches.) Cut into pretty 2" shapes and bake on parchment for 15-20 minutes, or until edges are just beginning to brown.

And do be sure to stop by and visit Rose Chintz Cottage who has been so gracious in hosting this event.


  1. A lovely post!
    Having a tea with you has been a pleasure
    Nice to meet you

  2. I loved your post and your book- looks old. I love the picture of Anne. I think you were speaking of the woman Anne brought home for the summer who was at the Girls School- I just remembered: Catherine Brooke. It was a contrast and so touching how Anne was able -over a long time - to help her change. THIS IS A WONDERFUL POST you have done!

  3. I love the Anne movies and the Avonlea TV series that takes place in PEI.

    Stephanie read all the Anne books growing up but I only read Anne of Green Gables when I was very young.

    They are what books are suppose to be, they transport us into another time and make us better for having read them (or watched the movies).

  4. When we began homeschooling Anne of Green Gables was the first long book I ever read aloud to my son who was just 6 at the time (He'll be 20 this month!) I still have his book review (a dictation) and drawing of Green Gables! When he saw the movie for the first time he proclaimed 'It's not how I imagined it' That's when I realized the power of living books. Last year we read the first 3 Anne books in a row to my other children and I was really moved by how Anne and Gilbert opened up their home to others as a young married couple. So many wonderful life lessons in these books. I would love to visit Prince Edward Island one day. I found out a couple of years ago that my great grandmother was born in Nova Scotia into a wealthy and influential family. There are streets and buildings that bear the family name that I would love to go and visit - it was just wonderful to tell my children that when Nova Scotia or Halifax was mentioned in the Anne books - your great, great grandmother was born there!

  5. Princesa Nadie-Thank you!Glad you enjoyed it.
    Bernideen-All the books are old. Somehow the lighting was perfect on the Tennyson book. It's more worn than it looks. Yes, Catherine is who I was thinking of. Anne could have ended up just like her.
    Brenda-I love the movies, but the books are even better! Put them on your list!
    Ann-What a fun connection and great memories! Thanks for sharing.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Kimberly, Your lavender shortbread cookies look really good! I love your photos, great vignette. Thanks for sharing your Anne of GG tea party.

  8. Lovely post for Sandi's Anne of Green Gables tea. Happy Tea Day!

  9. A lovely post paying tribute to Anne - and some shortbread that I would love!

  10. Hi Kimberly,
    What a delightful tea post and I am so happy you could join me today! I love books that are well loved/worn. Your lavender cookies look scrumptious and a cup of tea would be perfect with them. There's something oh so charming about heart cookies sitting on a plate. Thank you for coming by for tea today and have a beautiful week.


  11. I did so enjoy the tea and cookies and hearing about the stories I always enjoyed. :) B

  12. Nice to meet you! I am over from Sandi's. Your photos are lovely. I used to make lavender shortbread a lot, but can't anymore...unless as a gift. I am allergic (respiratory) to milk, and with this being a bad hay fever year I am off it altogether. Hope you are doing well with your diet isn't easy!

  13. Thank you Ladies for all your sweet comments! They mean so much to me. It's so nice to make new friends and find new blogs to visit, isn't it?

  14. Oh your copies of L.M. Montgomery's books are lovely! I have a few others too, like Anne of Windy Popular, and another title I can't remember which one. I also love your copy of Tennyson. Very pretty photos! Thanks for stopping by kindred spirit!

  15. What a lovely tribute to Anne! The lavendar cookies look scrumptious.
    I love the Tennyson book, too. Definitely go to PEI. I'm sure any negatives you may encounter will be outweighed by all the positives. Thanks for sharing, Michelle

  16. What a beautiful tea party. And I love Anne too. I watched the whole series on PBS. I was wondering about the shortbread recipe. Any time it just says flour, I wonder which, self-rising or all purpose? Since there is no baking soda or powder, I assume it's supposed to be self-rising. I just wanted to make sure before I make some. Thanks.

  17. Kris--It is all-purpose. I changed it above after your comment. Thanks!

  18. This is a lovely post. I love your books and teacup and those cookies look so delicious. I enjoyed my visit. Pamela

  19. What a fantastic idea for a children's tea party. Thanks for sharing!

    Darjeeling Darlings

  20. This is beautiful! I could always relate to Anne. I think Tennyson's "The Lady of Shalott" was one of the first poems I ever learned to recite by heart.

    Please, could you tell me where you got your Tennyson book? It's lovely, and I'd love to find one to buy somewhere. Perhaps if you could tell me the name of the publisher or the ISBN number?

  21. Dear Pamela,
    The publisher was The American News Company. There is no publishing date, or ISBN though. The inscription on the flyleaf was dated as December 25,1891.


Thanks for taking the time to comment.