This was a lot more fun than processing the chickens and roosters over there the other night. This was the eighth kid they've had so far with more on the way. I was able to stay for awhile and help out a bit. I didn't take pictures because it's been snowing and raining and I wasn't sure what I was in for. Just look at the picture from last week and sub in a goat for the lamb and you'll have the general idea. :)
I really enjoyed the experience and hope to be able to spend some more time over there learning more. I had to come home to um, get some milk into my own kid. I would have happily spent the day over there working and learning, but with my own three little ones it's just not possible. I'll happily take whatever time I can though and learn as I am able.
Now we've switched spots. I am home with the children (kids seemed a bit confusing) and Sweetheart is back over at their house for a class on snaring from another neighbor. I have no idea what all that will involve, but since I doubt he's bringing home dinner, I should go figure out ours. All three sweet ones are down for nap time. It's quiet and peaceful here.
I think I'll go do some prep work on dinner and then gather up a blanket and read for a bit before getting back to my other chores. I unpacked my 1915 copy of Little Women earlier. I haven't seen it since I packed up for the first move last March and I've missed it so. Maybe a cup of tea is in order as well.
Interestingly, as I was unpacking my tub of treasures last week I found my only some of my March decorations. I found my shamrock teacup and saucer, but not the coffee/tea pot. I do have the vintage postcard which I had out by the teacup on display, but haven't found my regular white teapot that's pictured in the link as well. It will be so nice to have everything back, hopefully by the end of the month. It's hard to believe all this packing and moving started almost a year ago. Sitting on my own couch with all its cushions will be so nice.
There really isn't anything as amazing as seeing someone give birth. We'll have ten does have kids between Mar. 11 - 18. I'm so excited for them to arrive!
What an amazing copy of LIttle Women. That’s so awesome :) I bet you enjoyed seeing the birth, I know I would love that. You are using Shoshin too--you are starting as a child and learning everything you need to know...good for you gal! Enjoy your tea and you newly found decorations :)
I am really thankful for these blog party link ups. I am enjoying your journey along with you.
I finally made the jump to farm that I had dreamed of all my life. I only wish I had done it when I was younger, I was too patient and helped others follow their dreams first.
Still, I have more dreams to follow myself. And loads of "things" to get rid of also and lighten my load.
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