
Saturday, May 09, 2015


The days roll on.  Some fast, some slow and they add up sometimes before I even realize it.  It's May now.  Spring in Colorado means beautiful sunny sky days followed with the snow we've had throughout the day today.

Our days mostly revolve around our learning times.  Regular lessons in the morning, lunch and reading time in the afternoons.  We're taking regular field trips each week, most of which have to do with what we're learning.  Though we do have one scheduled for the candy factory later this month that even I can't make fit into our otherwise scheduled subjects.  :)  We've also enjoyed several park days with other homeschoolers.

On sunny days we head out across the creek to Tree Glade, a special corner of the property.  Pumpkin named it.  We enjoy lunch or quiet reading time in the hammocks as often as the weather allows.  We've hung our hammocks and Sweetheart built a fire ring.  We've yet to have a fire, but we will.  It's so relaxing out there listening to the creek flow by.

I've been gathering up ideas for fun summer activities and am planning a light work load for everyone.  After the, well, various stresses and rather grueling Idaho part of life I find that I'm simply tired. 

We're planning a small garden, but between the rain and other work, I'm not that motivated.  If it weren't for my great desire for fresh herbs and flowers I'd probably skip it all together! 

I've been whipping up new balms and various products and will be experimenting on a line of "guy stuff", but it's rather slow going.  I'd like to take my products around town to see if I can sell them in some of the tourist shops.  Summer is the busy season here, so I'm planning to make the rounds this month.

I'm still reading a ton around the cracks in the day.  Those few minutes here and there do add up.  GK Chesterton's book on Charles Dickens is wonderful, but not exactly a quick read.

I went to the meeting for homeschooling moms the other night.  I really like that group a lot.  There are some wonderful ladies and I feel so glad to just hang out with them.

In fact, I'm starting up an additional meet up time for the ladies at my house this week.  I was inspired by this.  We'll see if anyone shows up.  I hope so.  It's been a long, lonely time since I left my sweet friends back in Denver. 

Hope you are having a good weekend.  Any fun plans?


  1. Charlotte Moore5:57 AM

    Good to hear from you'll. Glad you are happy there. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

  2. So nice to hear from you, Kimberly. I pray you are having the happiest Mother's Day that you have ever had.
    Your children are so blessed in having you as a mother.

  3. Kim I'm so excited that you have found your way back to civilization!!
    Friends...and family...,and fun activities!!
    I'd love to see a photo of the Tree Glade/fire ring!
    I love you... Happy Mother's Day!!!

  4. Thank you.

    BZ-I'd like to get some pictures, but I'm still struggling with my camera and computer. Sweetheart has special set ups on my computer and they aren't playing nice.

  5. Anonymous9:49 PM

    I have had computer issues for the past several months and am finally here tonight catching up on a few favorite blogs. I don't see a post explaining your new place-I see you have land again. An acre? Are you back in your old neck of the woods (so to speak) or are you in a different part of Colorado? I'd love to be filled in-when you have time, of course. :) Joanna in Ca.


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