
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mothers Day!

It's been a nice day here.  We were hoping for a chance to break in the fire pit this evening, but the rains are still threatening and the wind has picked back up.  It's a bummer.  I'd really like to sit out by a fire and listen to the creek.  Maybe tomorrow though.
I saw this picture of a certain little lady from last month.  She was on her way out on a date with Grandpa.  She was so excited.  I think she ate as much as Grandpa.  :)  
Isn't she something?  Can you believe how big she is?  She's such a unique child.  Picture a Warrior Princess Butterfly.  She is always on the move, excited about everything and chatters a mile a minute in her little (squeaky) voice.
She loves to draw, write her letters, play Legos, beat up her brothers and talk.  She sings all sorts of songs, including quite a few she makes up herself.  She loves school time, but is happiest when she's swinging as high as she can in her hammock.  She fears nothing.
I love her.  She sure makes being a Mom new and exciting every day.  She is a blessing.


  1. How fun to read about her, especially since I remember the excitement when she was born! :) It's such a gift to have a daughter--and to have sons, too! Happy Mother's Day, Kimberly! :)

  2. this... is joy. :)

  3. How precious! I wish every little girl had a Mother who allowed them to be a Warrior Princess Butterfly.
    She will grow to be a strong women.
    Thanks so much for sharing her with us.

  4. Thanks for your kind words.
    She is wonderful. And possibly not the easiest child to raise. ;)


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