
Monday, June 02, 2014

Tooth Fairy Frequent Flyer!

So, Dumpling lost the second tooth two days after the first and today Pumpkin lost one.  It's so fun!  They get so excited about it all.  I'm just glad to have a break from watching them wiggle the teeth.  That always creeps me out.  (Poor Cupcake just is not happy about being excluded from this.  Here's to hoping she won't try to take a tooth out herself!)
The helicopter is STILL flying overhead from 6:40 am to 4:30 pm.  Having been working out in the garden a lot this last week I can honestly say I'm ready for it to fly away forever.  At least it's not keeping the Tooth Fairy from flying!  ;)
Off to go shower after gardening and meet up with a friend in town for supper.  I miss doing this.


  1. Charlotte Moore4:40 AM

    How funny!!! It is amazing that some kids get so excited about losing a tooth. Them others cry about it.

    I am sure it would get old having to listen to that helicopter all day long day after day.

  2. Charlotte Moore4:40 AM

    How funny!!! It is amazing that some kids get so excited about losing a tooth. Them others cry about it.

    I am sure it would get old having to listen to that helicopter all day long day after day.

  3. Such cute smiles. Thanks for sharing the big moment.

  4. So much fun! They are darling. Been thinking about you. Sorry about the email problems with my blog. Other people have had the same issue. I need to get my BIL on the problem, he's a computer genius.

    Anyway, nice to see your name in my inbox. Hoping there are many more rainbows for you. xoxox


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