
Thursday, June 05, 2014

A Quiet Moment

It's a rare thing indeed!  Actually, the kids are playing upstairs and so I hear the sounds of toys cars driving above me, and the raking sound of the search in the Lego tub for just the right block.
As you can see, I have the window open.  It's so nice to be able to open the windows in the kitchen!  A moment ago all I could hear was the birds in the trees chirping, but alas, now the helicopter is headed back in.  I'll not miss that. 
I should be making body butter, but I'm having to remelt it all to rewhip again.  I also need to make more Cranberry Spice Scone Mixes and Chocolate Chip Spice Scone Mixes as well to take to the little shop that sells my things.  It's not gone well.  And I need to clean out my oven from where the oils spilled all inside yesterday at dinnertime.  (I grilled pizza on the bbq last night for dinner as it was all I could figure out to do in the midst of the mess.)
I need to bake up a batch of the scones as payment for an air conditioning I am supposed to pick up this afternoon.  So I really should get going on the oven.  Instead, I cleaned up the kitchen, turned on my music, lit the oil lamp on the windowsill and went out to pick roses. 
I've got a nice of tea as you can see and I'm writing instead of working.  Here's to hoping I'll be able to get back to what needs to happen with renewed vigor!
I got all my seeds into the main garden yesterday.  I've still got pots, buckets and a smaller garden bed to do, but it'll wait until the weekend.  I've spent a lot of time outside lately and I do enjoy it.  We are getting up to 90* in the afternoons. 
I also made a new jar of Chive Vinegar, the pink jar on the sill.  I cut all my chive blossoms, tucked them into the jar and poured just plain vinegar all over it.  I'll let it steep for a few weeks, take out the flowers and use the vinegar in my salad dressings and marinades.  It's so easy and ever so delicious.  Last year I picked tons of wild blossoms, but they are all in the pasture where the helicopter lands, so I'll skip it.  I imagine they would taste like jet fuel.
The little oil lamp is something my Dad and Stepmom gave us from their trip to Israel last year.  It sits next to a little handmade heart-shaped dish that's full of little pebbles I found down by the river on a bike ride Sweetheart and I took in April.  We bought a tandem mountain bike the second year we were married and we love it so much.  Hmm....It's probably time to plan another ride.  I've got water in the dish so the pebbles are all shiny.  It reminds me of a little jars of polished rocks I bought as a child on vacation one year.
I've also got a jar of nasturtium vinegar with the leaves and blossoms still in it from last summer and a jar of crushed plantain leaves in olive oil I'm steeping for a Drawing Salve recipe to try.  Assorted feathers are tucked in random little jars that also hold single blooms when the little darlings bring me weeds, I mean flowers, from the yard.  There's also a painted rock, some mint I'm soaking for roots and a little onion I picked on accident the other day. 
It's all a happy little jumble kinda like the rest of life.  Though I think I could use a little more happy and a little less jumble.
Time to get back to it all.  Hope you are having a lovely day.


  1. I'm still here reading even if I don't comment often. Between sharing a computer now with my husband and working the extra garden work at the moment, I tend to read quickly. ;)

    Reading this reminded me there is a package of nasturtium seeds I want to plant even if it is late. I'll get them out now and soak them overnight. We are to have nice weather for gardening tomorrow. My friend in South Dakota is just planting her garden.

    Last year I ended up using most of my nasturtium leaves and flowers making a compound butter. Just threw a handful in for each stick of butter, formed them into rolls, rolled that up with plastic wrap, and then put all the rolls into a gallon size Ziploc bag.

    They turned out to be wonderful. Especially when mixed with a little oil when sauteing potatoes and veggies. A good way to use the leaves and flowers when there are a lot of them.

  2. Thanks for sharing you life with us. We are going to plant our garden this weekend. We had frost 2 nights ago. Ahh the joys of living in MI's Upper Peninsula.
    I will be picking the rhubarb today, for the first time. We planted it last year. There is a rhubarb/apple crisp or rhubarb bread pudding in our very near future. 8-)

  3. Hi Brenda! It's always nice to hear from you!
    DJ-A neighbor gave use three rhubarb plants last month. Not sure we'll have enough to do anything with as they've not done much so far.

  4. It is good to slow down and enjoy the little things. We took a week off to just enjoy life at the cabin. Work is always so hectic. It is nice to slow down and enjoy life.


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