
Sunday, January 26, 2014

I Saw the Sun

About an hour ago the sun broke through and I caught a glimpse of blue sky just above the mountain behind us.  It made me smile. 
It lasted about two minutes and all is lost again in the fog.
This really is awful.  It's been over a week since we've seen anything, but this freezing fog.  Ugh.
Trying to remember the sun is still out there shining, even when we can't see it, or feel it.
On other notes, look at the size of that egg?  It wouldn't even fit in the jumbo carton.


  1. I hear ya. And I wonder how many yolks that puppy has!

  2. Very impressive, especially to a city girl like me. I have spent much time on a NYS farm, though and know and love the wonderfulness of farm life.

  3. Very impressive, especially to a city girl like me. I have spent much time on a NYS farm, though and know and love the wonderfulness of farm life.

  4. Oh my Giddy Aunt! Is the hen okay? ;-)
    We could use some sunshine too, here over the hill. :-) I will comfort myself with some tea and Downton Abbey.


  5. Now that is a BIG egg. It might go for 3 in a recipe. Haha!!!

  6. Do you have geese?????

    I know how you feel about the sun...we only had part of a day with sun... in Venice. It's a good thing she looks good wearing fog and clouds!

  7. It's a chicken egg for sure. We all wince at these though. There's at least one this size every day.

    Oddly, we've never had an egg with a double yolk in all the eggs we've had.

    I save the huge ones for scrambled eggs, or balance them out with a little Icelandic egg for baking.

    This city girl still thinks it's odd that she lives on a little farm and even has chickens.

    BZ-I think I could enjoy the fog more in Venice than Idaho. :)

    Mumsie-I'll brew some more tea later and try to catch up with DA myself. I've found they show the episodes the day after they are aired on

    Thanks everyone for commenting!!!!!!!!!


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