
Wednesday, January 22, 2014


So, it's Day 4 of the frozen, frosty foggy days.  We've been so fogged in we haven't seen the mountain behind the house in days.  It's beginning to feel like we're living in Narnia before the spell is broken.

I think the fog has settled in my brain.  Reading, sleeping, and drinking too much tea is about all that's happening in the free times.  I did bake a batch of scones yesterday that we finished off a little while ago.  I haven't baked any in a month and we were all missing them.

 I've read two more novels that were free and started another Willa Cather story.  I think I had her mixed up in my mind.  It was Flannery O'Connor we read so much of in English class in high school.  Willa Cather is wonderful!  I'm still traveling along with The Fellowship of the Rings and must confess to having set aside the 1st Century History textbook for a trip through Middle Earth.  I am surprised at how much I am enjoying the hobbits.   Sweetheart read them all to the boys awhile back and Pumpkin rereads them all the time, but I've never read them myself.

We did watch The Hobbit movie the other night after Sweetheart got it for his birthday.  I liked it and wish it was suitable for the boys, but they'd never sleep again.  It's very...vivid. 

I still laugh a bit at Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield.  My, but he has a lovely voice.  As a dwarf, I'm just not sure. I love the movie North and South so much and still think he'd make a wonderful Mr. Darcy.  (You can by the way enjoy N&S free on Amazon Prime along with Little Dorritt and quite a few other wonderful shows.)

I definitely think our very own Dumpling Muffinshield is much cuter.  This is what happens when he unloads the dishwasher.  I'll be lucky if I ever have all the parts to my mixer again.

And now it's time to go refill the teacup and warm up by the fire.

1 comment:

  1. Dumpling Muffinshield is definitely the cutest : ) I was just wondering if you all were getting blasted with this weather. It's been frigid here- highs in the single digits, and double digits below zero. Hibernating indeed!


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