
Tuesday, October 08, 2013


 So, I brought in the rest of the pumpkins yesterday.  Somehow, I managed to grow over 60 of them this year.  Thinking I'll be needing to hang out a Pumpkins for Sale sign!
They've survived crazy weather, deer, cows and bears to make for a bumper crop.
My.  Think of all the Pumpkin Spice Lattes this could mean......


  1. I got 2. But that was my own fault, I forgot about bugs coming up from the ground and doing damage to the bottoms : ( I'll definitely plant the same variety next year. They were bush pumpkins and the plants were about as large a s a zucchini plant!

  2. Sixty pumpkins! That's very fun. You probably bought seeds to grow all sixty for the price I paid to buy ONE! Hmmmm….maybe I'll grow pumpkins next year too. :)


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