
Thursday, October 10, 2013

I Love Autumn

Even Unripe Pumpkins are Pretty
 I know if you'd read here much at all you know I love Autumn.  It's like saying I love tea.
As winter seems to last more than half the year here, I try to squeeze every moment out of each golden day.
Yesterday we went for a walk after Cupcake's nap.  It was perfect.  Sweetheart even joined us.  He's been scurrying around prepping for the winter it was nice to see him just relax.  Of course, the fact that our walk ended with picking tons of tomatoes and grapes at the neighbor's may, or may not have felt like a break by the time it was done.
There is now another enormous basket of tomatoes on my counter.  Some are ripe, but most are not.  Little baskets of grapes and peppers sit next to the big basket waiting for me to do something with it all.  The front porch is filled with firewood, pumpkins and massive sunflower heads all curing and waiting for me to do something with it all.  And there are piles of books for school, dried herbs to be made into salts, shea butter, beeswax, gift baskets, and waiting for me to more do something with it all.  Notice a theme?
Guess I should get off this chair and get to work!
I was going to wax eloquent about Autumn, but I guess I'm outta time.  Maybe I'll take the camera on our walk this afternoon and share more tomorrow.  I also made an easy, but delicious pumpkin soup the other day that I'd like to share about.  In return, maybe you'll share your favorite pumpkin recipes to me!


  1. Sounds as if you have quite the bounty!!

    There is a restaurant in Venice called La Zucca....Pumpkin in Italian....they make the most incredible pumpkin;s a savory delight with asiago & roasted pumpkin seeds sprinkled on top.
    Ask you Mom about it!!

    Wish I were there to do some baking together!!

  2. I have never seen an unripe (=green) pumpkin! That looks stunning!


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