
Friday, June 28, 2013

My Corner


So this is my little corner now.  When we started redoing the kitchen we move my Hoosier across the room to where our refrigerator was.  This gives me a little nook which I love and a view out the window into the garden.  My computer is behind those sliding doors.

My ever present cup of tea is being sipped while I type this.  I'm drinking The Republic of Tea's Rose Petal Tea today.  It's lovely.

Can I tell you how much I enjoy my island?  We started with an old, enamel table at first so I had some space to work.  When we got the new to us cabinets we set a cabinet of big drawers in the middle and used the enamel top on it.  It worked and gave me some much needed storage space, though it had its own issues.

We added a second bank of cabinets back to back and flipped the whole thing around.  Sweetheart and his friend added the countertop to it last week.  We've got an overhang on one side and some stools for the kiddos to sit at and chat with me while I work. Having such a large work space is such a blessing. 

It's nice that some many of our things like the Hoosier match this gorgeous built in.  It passes into the Dining Room with doors on both sides.  I used to keep all my dishes in it, but since I have the storage in the island I am keeping all the bowls and plates in there.  It's right across from the dishwasher and it allows the kids to be able to reach whatever they need and to help put things away.
They were excited that they could help.  I know, they are weird, but we encourage it.  ;)  Actually, Cupcake is the only one after the initial excitement that still wants to help.  She's surprisingly helpful.  Well, except this morning when she got distracted and put the clean cups in the garbage can instead of the drawer where they belong.  She laughed and seemed to wonder why she did it when I pointed it out to her.  She didn't complain when she had to take them out and put them back in the dishwasher so that's something.  In fact, I think she knows better where things go than Sweetheart does.  Ahem.

There is still a lot to be done:  floors, trim work, the new antique :) lights to install, and the upper cabinets and microwave need to be hung.  I'll post final pictures as well as some before picks when it is completed.  Someday.

Until then, I'll just be excited for all that's done and enjoy the breeze I have now that the windows open.  And I'll look forward to having a microwave handy after three years without.  Plus, there is the thrill of being able to wash dishes in a built in dishwasher.  Who knew?
Question for you all:  with Google Reader disappearing in a few days, how are you planning to keep track of what blogs you like to read?  I have the option on the sidebar to follow by email which you are of course welcome to use, but I am curious as to what your plans are.  I'd hate to lose you.


  1. Lovely! My kids fight over who gets to do the dishes. It's the coveted job. Hooray for dishwashers!

  2. Hi Kimberly that is a beautiful corner I could work there for sure.

    Google Friend Connect is not ending so since I read through that I am not anticipating any changes I do hope that information was right. I have never had a warning that it would be ending. We shall see fingers crossed I have never used Google Reader and that is what is leaving. B

  3. Everything looks grand. I so laughed about the dishes going in the trash. One time my husband put the ice cream in the cupboard. Ooops. My plans for google are to panic when it all goes down. I hate change.

  4. Your hoosier, and built-in cupboards are gorgeous!!! You must love being in your kitchen.
    I switched over to to keep my blog list.
    sign in beforehand.


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