
Thursday, June 27, 2013

First Fish

 Pumpkin caught his first fish yesterday!!
I think his smile was as big as the fish. 

Dumpling is holding Sweetheart's catch.

Stylish, isn't he? 
He gets it from his Father.

Cupcake pet the fish. 
That was enough for her.

We all enjoyed our pizza dinner as they arrived just moments after I posted yesterday. 
Guess I'd better keep making extra pizzas to freeze for fishing days.  ;)
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  1. Hi Kimberly,
    Your darlings are soooo precious! Tomorrow is my last day of teaching kindergarten - I am retiring this year and I do love children. Enjoy your time with your kiddies. Time goes so fast. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Take care,

  2. Oh my that is SO cute! Way to go Pumpkin!!!

  3. Congratulations, Pumpkin!
    I remember my first fish and how thrilled I was.

  4. Great catch!!
    Love the outfit!!
    What fun memories for all of them!!


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