
Sunday, April 07, 2013

Just a Note

In the midst of planning for a new season of planting, we are also remodeling our kitchen.  Crazy, I know.  But it will be so nice to live in once it is done. It will hopefully make all my work for the Farmers Markets go a bit easier with more workspace and a better layout.  Plus, I won't have to stare at the hideous yellow walls any longer.
It's turning into the most beautiful Spring, our third here.  New flowers we've not had before are even showing their happy faces.  There are so many different shades of green to admire and the birds are back singing away as they build their new homes and feather their nests.  Today, we've had so much rain and hail that I am glad I hadn't planted earlier in the week like I had hoped.  It would have all washed away!
Because of the kitchen redo, I'll not be online much for awhile.  We've moved my Hoosier, which contains my computer and it's landed in a corner where there are no outlets.  Adding outlets is part of the plan for the remodel.  That will be very nice.  We use a lot more outlets than folks did in 1920 when our house was built.
I'll plan to check email probably once a day, so you can still use it.  Family and friends, feel free to call if you need a faster response.  Have a wonderful Spring!


  1. How exciting. Enjoy the process.

  2. How exciting. Enjoy the process.

  3. As much as I've longed for Spring, it is bringing with it a lot of work here and I can't imagine adding a kitchen redo to the mix. :)

    Have "fun"!


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