
Thursday, April 25, 2013

cheery cherry blossoms

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  1. They are stunning! The intricacies of creation never fail to amaze me and make me stand in awe of the Creator! Thanks for sharing this bit of beauty. :)

  2. Beautiful! I love cherry blossoms although I've never had one in my yard.

    We have some trees budding around here but every morning I look out the deck door to see if the dogwood is blooming, yet.

    There are little buds but so far no blooms. I'd have a dogwood in my yard just for that week of beauty.

  3. I just saw your poppies and barn photo on pinterest. It made me smile, because I knew it was you. Congrats. It is a beautiful photo. I have enjoyed following your blog. Have a great weekend.

  4. Gorgeous! Cherry blossoms are one of my favorite and you don't really see them often where I live so this picture is a real treat for me! :)

  5. Boy, our spring has been very slow in coming. The lilies of the valley have come up...but still haven't bloomed.
    i don't mind a mild spring....cooler is better!!
    Miss you!!!!


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