
Monday, November 26, 2012

It's Beginning to Smell A Lot Like Christmas...

Dining Room Built-In Cupboard
 I am so excited!  My coffee and tea order just arrived for the Christmas Fair this weekend.  I ordered a Christmas Coffee and a Christmas Spice Tea along with the regular Earl Grey, Mango and Ginger Peach I usually sell.  I brewed a pot of the coffee first since it's my first coffee purchase.  It's so good that I'm not sure I care if anyone buys it this weekend cause I might not wanna share it.  ;)
The kettle just whistled so I poured the water into the pot to brew the Christmas Tea.  Pumpkin just came in to the kitchen and commented on how good it smells.  It's smells just the way a Christmas Tea should with bits of orange peel, cinnamon, and other yummy spices!
I just poured a cuppa and and am anxiously awaiting it being cool enough to sip.  The color and smell are perfect.  Mmm!  It's super hot, but I can't wait any longer.  It's delicious.
Wish you could all come over and join me.  I'd bake us up some delicious hot scones to go with our warm brew.  Which would you like?  Coffee or tea?
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  1. Coffee please and some scones. I'll be there in about 4 days.... : )

  2. Coffee in the morning, for sure. But tea...tea is for the afternoon.

  3. Dear Bonnie, See you Friday!
    Dear Susan, I'll make you both!

  4. Oh I could use a hot cuppa..
    I have a terrible head cold! I found a really nice tea in Venice...Sir Winston Peach tea. Wish I could find it in the States.

  5. Oh I would love to join you. Love the cabinet. Enjoy. B

  6. I like both tea and coffee! Coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon. My favourite coffee is a flavoured one - chocolate macadamia and my favourite tea is a boutique one I buy here 'French Earl Gray' which is just beautiful and quite different to ordinary Earl Gray but still fragrant. Even my husband likes it and he usually can't stand Earl Gray. I hope your market goes well. I also have a big Christmas handmade market this weekend. Over 5000 attended last time so I'm hoping to sell more than a few cake stands!

  7. I will bring some jam, because you have to have toast and jam with tea. I so wish I could smell it.

  8. Aunt L--Yuck! I am sorry you're not feeling super. Hope it gets better soon. Hmm...may have to try to track down that tea. Sweetheart loves a challenge.
    Buttons--The cabinet is one of the coolest things in the house. It passes between the kitchen and dining room. It's cool.
    Ann-Best wishes to you, too, on the market! Let's hope people want to shop this weekend! Your stands are treasures. Wish you were closer, I'd buy one for sure.
    Bonnie K--Sounds great! I best get the kettle on. ;)

  9. Tea for me, please. That sounds delicious! Wish I could come over. I would get you to turn your back a minute, lol. I just found the tea pot (bottom shelf) that matches the tea cups, saucers, plates, tiered server, etc. that I have been collecting a set of from various flea markets and places. Aren't they pretty!?

  10. Tea for me with scones - sounds yummy! Love the smells of cinnamony tea!


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