
Friday, August 03, 2012

On Making 25 Cents an Hour...

I am getting ready for the market tomorrow.  I have been working since about 6:30 this morning with breaks for meals and a short schooling time.  I didn't have to make anymore body products this week as I had made so much last week. Another bonus is that all the labels are done which is incredibly time consuming.

Today has been all about the produce.  I've picked 21 pounds of wild plums, most the size of a big cherry.  I've picked a bushel basket worth of ginormous zucchini and a small basket of normal zukes.  I've got tons of lettuce, spinach, and swiss chard for greens.  I picked the last bunch of radishes, thank goodness.  I've picked flowers to decorate the booth and to dry for future use.  I've picked the herbs:  basil, lemon basil, cinnamon basil, purple basil, dill, summer savory, cilantro, tarragon, and two kinds of mint.  I've bagged them all into little bags so I can sell them as all one kind, a basil blend, and mixed bags with a little of all the herbs except mint.

I am sitting for a few minutes to take a break.  Still to come:  putting more herbal salt in jars, updating my signs listing what's for sale and the prices, freezing all those bottles of water, brewing tea for iced tea samples, repacking everything so it sets up faster, and if I can (!) bake bread for spreading samples of the herb salt on, a few batches of scones and a batch or two of lavender shortbread.  I really want to get all this tea selling.

Dinner is a salad--no, I am not sick of greens--and the leftover chicken I baked a ton of last night and if I remember in time a pot of rice for those not doing another Whole 30.  Plus, it's movie night, so I can just keep working and no one will notice I am not there.  Here's to hoping for a decent bedtime and a good night's sleep.


All done.  Baking did not happen after all.  Alas.  There were a bunch of other things that had to happen I forgot about.  


  1. Have fun! I know it is a lot of work, but you have to be proud of how fast you sold out of everything.

  2. Whew....what a wild schedule!! I'm exhausted...can't wait to hear all about the results of today's market!!

  3. What a to~do list Kimberly! I've been there, done that so you have my complete empathy! I hope you take pictures! Sending good thoughts for a great day of fun, satisfaction and sales!
    P.S.Love the way you're building your "soil" for your's only 25 cents an hour now ;) but this is all about building your reputation and customer base for future sales...keep up the good work...wish I lived closer to visit you at the Farmer's Market!


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