
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Morning Light

I've been up awhile getting ready to head out to the Farmers Market.  I started loading the van up while it was still dark.  As I walked back to the house, I smiled.  There is something so special to me about seeing a light on through the window of an early morning.
It struck me as so comforting and soothing.
Even more so than a light on in a window at night, a thing I also love.
I smiled and walked back a forth continuing to load when I realized it must be the bright promise of a brand new day--with no mistakes in it.  Or, as a certain favorite book and movie says, "No mistakes in it yet."  ;)

I am also reminded of the wonderful truth that,

"Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness."
~Lamentations 3:22-23

Well, I've got a few more bites of breakfast to eat and will then head out the door.  I hope you have a WONDERFUL Saturday!
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  1. I love seeing a light on in the window too, I can't quite explain it. Houses with curtains always drawn look so foreboding and unfriendly, but with lights shining out- it's like a cheerful greeting, or wave hello.
    Have a good time at the market!

  2. One of my very favorite quotes from scripture as well --- I hope you had a lovely day.

  3. Kim, Hope you had a great market day!!


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