
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dinner Planning

A few minutes outside found some eggs, a few potatoes ready, and little batches of beans and peas.  Coupled with the zucchini left from market yesterday + some chicken=dinner.  Not sure exactly what it will be, but we've been enjoying zucchini sliced with new potatoes and onions, sprinkled with some of my Herb Salt and tossed in a cast iron skillet on the grill several times.  I've got lots of basil in the fridge, too and some tomatoes Sweetheart picked up down below earlier this week.  Sounds like a perfect Summer Sunday Supper!  Now, if it will just cool down enough to eat in the orchard... 
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  1. This reminds me of Soule Mama's recent post about dinner becoming a game in the Summer as she goes out to see what the garden is offering that day.

    We have had more rain in the past two weeks than we did in over three months but still far from overcoming the drought.

    Our lawn and trees look happy, as do most of the soybean crops.

  2. I'm coming to eat at your house, my garden is starting to wind down.
    And a basil question: How do you keep it from turning black once picked?
    I have to use mine right after I pick it or the leaves turn black, even if I rinse then store loosely in a paper towel, or sit it in a cup of water. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG FARM LADY?!?!

  3. OMG you are growing potatoes!!!
    I love potatoes.....enjoy your dinner in the orchard!!

  4. Bonnie-It's oxidation, like apples browning. The best ideas I've found are keeping it in plastic containers in the fridge, or a glass of water on the counter. An idea was to rub the leaves with olive oil. Wait to wash, or tear, or cut the leaves until just before using and add it to food you are cooking just before serving/at the end of cooking. Hope this helps!


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