
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Friends

Darling Dumpling
Last night I had two ladies over for dinner.  One of them I have been doing a lot with these last few months and love it.  The other is one of her friends I ran into at the library for the first time last week.  We decided we needed to get together, so they came over here.  We could have probably gone out, but dining out in this town

Sweetheart and our kids ate their dinner and watched a movie in the reading room while we mommies ate our dinner in the dining room.  With fans on to keep us all cool, it was quiet and rather peaceful.  I made a simple dinner which was instantly elevated by sparkling wine in our crystal wine glasses.
We had such a nice time just getting to visit and eat and not do anything else.  How many meals can we say that about as moms of ten kids seven and under? 

One of them brought the most delicious chocolate zucchini cake to enjoy.  Once it had cooled down outside, we took our cake and tea out to the apple orchard to enjoy.  I plugged in the twinkle lights, Sweetheart built a fire in the fire pit for us and we sat and talked and laughed as long as we could.

It was so refreshing, especially after what had been a challenging day for me.  We talked about all sorts of things, including mothering and chickens, but we also just talked as women and friends.  We were able to just be ourselves, even if we occasionally forget who that is.

I shared with them about Janna's Fall Fests and what a wonderful time of renewal those were.  We decided we should try and plan something like that ourselves.  We want to keep it low key and enjoyable and to invite some of the other mommies they know.

There are basically a handful of us here that are moms of young kids raising them in what amounts to a tiny town mostly made up of retirees.  The other women are wonderful and a lot of fun, but it also nice to just talk to someone who gets it.  (And can appreciate a quiet dinner!  With sparkling wine!  )

So, we'll see what comes of it all.  We are excited about the possibilities...

We just walked up to the ditch above us and picked some raspberries.  Not enough for anything, but snacking on, but still it builds memories and is a chance to do things we couldn't do in the city.  On the walked back we picked the rest of the currants in our grove.  I also picked some mint to have on hand.  I love it in cold water and my iced tea.  It's a hot day here!

When we got back to the house, I poured everyone glasses of cold plum juice I had in the fridge.  I had picked tons of plums last summer and steamed juiced them to make jelly out of once it cooled off, but never found the time to do it.  (cow) Since the plums are starting to color up on the trees, I decided we'd best use up the juice we have before it's time to make more.  What a special treat to have juice from our own trees.  It amazes this city girl.

The currants and the mint are by my tub in the grove.  We don't have the heating part going yet, but it is warm enough just from the heat of the day to enjoy.  Don't get me wrong, it's still kinda cold!

Why have a tub in the grove?  Why not?  It's kinda just another thing I couldn't do in the city!  Someday, it'll all be foofed up I am sure, until then, I have planted oodles of flower seeds and am hoping they will be blooming soon.  A bar of soap in a flower pot saucer, a towel on a branch and a hand-knitted wash cloth are all that's needed for now.  It's a nice break on a hot day after weeding in the sun for a few hours.  You'd have to see where we are and where it is to understand how totally private it all is.

 In fact, if I had more time right now, I'd probably go out there, but I have a few things to try and finish up before Cupcake is up and running again.  The boys have decided they want to learn to sew.  I have some easy line drawings to make on muslin and then will give them embroidery thread to trace the lines.  Pumpkin wants a pirate ship and Dumpling a dinosaur.  Wish me luck!  What are you up to this week?


  1. Kim...the outdoor tub is very New Zealandy. It seemed as if everyone had an outside bathtub.
    What a fun ladies night!! I know how it feels to have to care for a 'little' one 24/ evening without having to cut someone else's meat sounds divine!!
    Re: plum juice....sounds wonderful....does it have the same effect as prune juice?? lol

    love to you!!!!!

  2. I like ladies nights- they make me feel human again and I can go on and be a good mother and wife again. Nothing like a good girl chat and laugh! And we always say "we should do this more often" but alas life and kids take over. So be sure to plan your fest, ge it on the calender and do it up fun! I like the outdoor tub- sounds quite dreamy to be out there in nature.

  3. Linda--I can't even imagine. Thank you for your dedication to him.
    Your comment about the juice made me laugh---and it explained a few things. I guess the answer is...YES!
    Robin Sue--It is an upside to living out in the boonies...

  4. Kimberly, the evening was WONDERFUL! It was truly just what I needed and I was so blessed by it! Alas, in my current state of unorganization, I misplaced your number and so have to resort to this method to relay the recipe~here goes:
    1/2 cup butter 1/2 cup veg. oil
    1 3/4 cup sugar 2 eggs
    1/2 c sour milk 1 tsp vanilla
    2 cups flour 1 tsp baking soda
    1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp cloves
    1/2 tsp salt 4 Tbsp cocoa powder
    2 1/2 cup grated zuccini 1/2 cup chocolate chips

    1. Cream butter, oil, and sugar
    2. Add eggs, milk, vanilla. Blend.
    3. Mix dry ingredients & Add to butter mixture
    4. Add zucchini. Mix well
    5. Spread in greased/floured 9x13 pan
    6. Sprinkle chocolate chips over top
    7. Bake @ 325 degrees for 45 minutes


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