
Monday, July 30, 2012

Farmers Market

This is the picture on most of our labels.

It went well.  Several ladies commented on how pretty our booth was.  And both men and women mentioned we had the best smelling booth.  This was surprising to me because we were next to the tamale people and that was all I could smell!  I think it was all the lavender products.
We sold a good amount of produce, a lot of my herbal salts and some soaps and body butters.  All my homemade herbal teas sold, but not a single bag of the regular teas. After the market we went to the health food store/cafe in that town and sold most of the herbs and veggies we had left.  That was nice.  We'll do that each week.  They also bought some of my herbal salts,  vapor rubs and lip balms to sell, so that was a bonus.
We learned a lot and have some good ideas for next week.  I think we're going to try and sell cold bottled water.  It was hot and the only things to drink were some odd fruit waters from the tamale booth.  :)
It was so much work to do.  They have a midweek market, but I am not sure I am up for it!
By the way, all the rules they hounded on before didn't seem to matter a bit.  Whatever.

I'd love to hear tips and ideas from some of you ladies who've been doing this for awhile!

Joining up with Homestead Revival's Barn Hop! 


  1. Your label photo is lovely. Congratulations on a sucessful farmer's market! How fun! I have never participated in one although it has been on my to do list for a couple years. Having multiple small children though has always held me back. I think of it now as something that I may do in another season of my life. I'm pretty content with this one just as it is. ♥

  2. I'm thrilled that you had such a successful first day!!!!
    Great labels.....

    Great idea re: water......Costco has a great price on bottled water.


  3. I'm so glad it went well! And I love your lables, so gorgeous! A nicely set up booth is everything. At the flea market, I'll pass by a lot of booths just because they are hap-hazard. When my MIL and SIL and I have had garage sales, we spend half our time "staging" and have had so many people compliment on how nice our sale is. You "buy" with your eyes first I guess.
    I just discovered we have a farmers market in town, and I drove past the other day, oh boy do I want to stop!

    Wonder if the all the rules are to keep out the wishy-washy, so that the serious people stand a chance???

    Ice water sounds like a good idea, and how nice to have a place that will buy your leftovers. Have fun getting ready for next week : )

  4. Congratulations! It sounds like the first week was a great sucess. I would love to see pictures of your booth in action! I am sure it was the most beautiful one there - how could it not be! I have no wisdom for you in this are - just encouragement. :)


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