Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mom Heart Conference!!!

This is just a reminder about the Mom Heart Conference I wrote about a few weeks ago. I signed up then to attend Sally Clarkson's Mom Heart Conference here in Denver in January. Here is the link to register yourself for it as well. Today is the last day to register at the reduced rate.

Is anyone else planning on going? I know there are other Mission of Motherhood fans out there!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I want to go! I can't think of any nicer time than to attend one of Sally's seminars with my blog daughter. :)

kimberly said...

Sally Clarkson's Conferences are wonderful and encouraging. I went to one when she came to California. I appreciate her openness and willingness to share truth with humor, touching and changing lives, she is a blessing! And yes, I agree, we would be great friends having tea while our kids play, though my kids aren't so little anymore.

Hugs, the other Kimberly


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