This picture was the beginning of July just after we laid the sod:
Here's what it looks like today:
The sunflowers were only a few feet tall then, but my how they grown!
We've been enjoying beautiful salad filled with colorful greens and edible flowers.
I've been busy canning I was just blessed with over thirty boxes of canning jars. My friend's mother no longer cans and wanted them to go to a good home. Looks like I'll be busy!
I've got herbs growing everywhere and we add them to everything. I love all the flavors they add. Along the back are some of my tomato plants and my scarlet runner beans. We enjoyed our first tomato last night for dinner.
Nasturtiums are beautiful and delicious in salads and sandwiches. They have a nice peppery flavor. I ate a whole one once. Now I just scatter the petals. Too hot!
The pickling cucumbers I planted are really taking off! Looks like I'll be making more pickles in a few weeks! Good thing I've got plenty of jars now.
Beauty in the quiet places. It's a wonderful corner of life and color.
I just barely fit however between the abundance of sunflowers taking over. I'm enjoying their smiling faces, but I'll not plant so many there next year. I'm planning on making a scarecrow this weekend as the birds are threatening to take over. I made one years ago for someone else and loved it.
We're off to the farm this morning. It's a cloudy and cooler day. I'm hoping we'll have a good rain this afternoon. I've got some (!) weeds to pull and they're the type that need soft ground to remove. It feels more like a day in September than August. I'm longing for the cinnamon and spices and molasses days ahead.
I love the comments from yesterday's post on Elizabeth. It's one of those things you either just get, or don't! I finished reading Wives and Daughters yesterday and am working on North and South. Of course, I'm also reading Les Miserables so I've got a lot of amazing reading ahead! What are you reading?
Wow, 30 boxes, thats great! Someone from church gave me a couple boxes of jars, but most of them turned out to be mayonnaise and pasta sauce jars.
Are the yellow filled jars squash?
I forgot: I think you planted fruit or nut trees? What kinds?
I'm hoping to get some dwarf apple trees next year, one side of our drive is begging for an orchard!
I'm going to grow pickling cucumbers next year. We also got such a late start that I couldn't grow a few things I wanted since I had to depend on what the nursery had left.
I did grow the bush beans (of course) from seed and they grew quickly. I'm taking Stephanie's recommendation and growing pole beans and bush beans next year.
Congrats on getting the jars, that is a huge savings.
Bonnie, They are yellow squash/Italian squash. I've got more in the canner as I type this. It's the Squash Pickles Recipe in the Ball Book. I sampled a bite before I put them in the jars--YUM! I'm looking forward to serving them with rice and baked chicken. Such a great flavor & the tumeric makes them such a lovely color, don't you think?
We planted 4 apple, 2 peach and cherry trees. I'll be surprised if any survive. What a mess.
Even a late planted garden catches up! It's a mystery how that happens but it does! Your garden, flowers and herbs are lovely!
Your garden looks beautiful! And so healthy... I didn't have good luck with our cukes this summer. I transplanted them...and apparently they resent that! Who knew?
Beautiful the forget me nots! Kim
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