* Pour vinegar into the teapot. Let it soak for several hours/overnight. Rinse, and wash by hand with regular dish soap.
* Put a denture tablet in the teapot (Efferdent). Fill the pot with boiling water. Let soak. Some sites say a few minutes, some overnight. Rinse, and wash by hand with regular dish soap.
* Put a teaspoon of borax powder in the pot. Fill the pot with boiling water. Let soak. (I have no idea how long to let it soak!) Rinse, and wash by hand with regular dish soap.
I am by no means a silver expert! I just looked around for information. Hope this helps. May I suggest starting with short soaking periods first to see if they are affective before leaving something in overnight? You may also wish to test some of these ideas on silver pieces that may not have as much value in case something goes amiss.
Do you have an idea that's worked for you? Please comment! Also, letme know if you try any of these suggestions and how they work for you. As I mentioned in a previous post, I usually just use my silver pieces for decoration, so I have not needed to clean out the insides, just polish the outsides.
Thanks for the info, I've been thinking of getting the denture tablets to clean my regular teapots. I hear you can get them cheap (denture tablets) at dollar stores.
I have never used my silver teapot but this gets me inspired. The only thing I know about them is that it is recommended you brew your tea in something other than the silver teapot and then just serve it from the silver. It has something to do with the metallic taste which can be picked up when brewing.
Love the new look, will click out of Bloglines to keep up with your redecorating. :)
Okay, I have mine soaking in hot water and borax. I'll keep you posted.
I took pictures of my set and they are now on my computer. When I figure out how to upload them I'll let you know.
joanna :)
Well, I left the borax and hot water soaking for several hours but nothing had changed when I went to wash them out with soap and water-maybe the inside of the tea pot is stained? It has some dark spots on it. I guess I will go ahead and use it this way-at least I know it's clean now.
Thanks to you and Brenda, I know not to steep tea in the pot-I'll probably just pour it from the pot into the cups.
I forgot to try and upload the pictures last night-can you tell I dread learning new techie things?
joanna :)
Kimberly, have you seen this yet (mentioned on Brenda's blog)?
It's a vintage video on setting a tea table-you will love it.
Sigh...where have all the manners gone in our modern society?
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