
Monday, August 22, 2016

New Friends~

This has been a summer of new friendships.  And I've needed them.  Some of the women I now consider my friends I met shortly after moving back, but it's taken time to establish relationships and believe I can really call these my friends.  After so many, so very lonely, years I am simply grateful. Part of it is just the wonder that someone would want to be my friend.  So blessed.

One of the funny new friendships just happened.  We switched the schoolhouse into a guest house and put it on Air BnB a few months ago.  It's been great.  Sometimes, I am just really sick of more laundry and making up beds and scrubbing the bathroom I just scrubbed the day before.  That's true.

But overall, it has been simply wonderful.  We've met people from around the world, had guests I've not actually even seen as they came in late and left early, guests that have stayed for weeks, and everything in between.

This last week we had a family for three nights that had four kids, all the same or right around the ages of ours.  It was so fun.  We even just did dinner the second night all together, laughing and eating together on the front porch.

We talked late into the nights, kids playing together all around, and even spent one day at the lake together hiking around and fishing.  We talked a lot.  This post is for my new friend.  It's a list of links to many of the things we talked about.  We could still be talking, but they had to go home.  Here's to hoping this will be a friendship that lasts beyond the visit.

Homeschool Links:
I've really enjoyed Sarah's blog.  The link here is for her post on looping.  This is new for me and something I didn't really get until watching the video on the post.  I'm loving this.  We are adding different loops into our days slowly.  I had tried to figure out the things best to loop for us and finally felt a lot more clarity about it after having a great discussion with the kids.  I learn a lot from them.

Even though her kids are all grown now, Sally Clarkson has been instrumental in influencing how I see homeschooling beyond a school at home.  Her book (and Clay, her husband) Educating the WholeHearted Child is practical and inspiring.

I love Schole Sisters because I strongly believe in the need for us to continue to grow and learn as women.  And I don't mean just trying to keep a step ahead of the kids' lessons!

Pam links to a bunch of other posts on her Facebook page I wouldn't have otherwise known about, plus her memes make me laugh and that's always a good thing.

Skip Counting Charts & lots of other useful HS printables here.  I also use the Calendar Notebook printables.  I put them in a binder and laminated them for Dumpling & Pumpkin years ago and am now using them for Cupcake.  It works so well especially without room for a bulletin board.

Pretty Places I Like to Hang Out:

Random Things I Use to Preserve/Store Food
Steamer Juicer
Reusable Canning Lids
Screw on Lids for Canning Jars

Miss Potter
Wives & Daughters  (the others in the pack are favorites as well)

I'm out of time for now.  I'll be sure to do links to my favorite Permaculture books next.  :)  Leave a comment on whatever else I should include!


  1. Charlotte Moore5:44 AM

    That sounds like so much fun. I know it is work too, but to meet so many nice people. How did you decide to turn your schoolhouse into a guest house?

  2. Kim I didn't realize you were doing Air BnB......that's great!
    Do you mind posting a link??

  3. Anonymous3:27 PM

    CM~ We needed the $. :)
    BZ~ I will send the link directly to you. Too much personal info to tack onto the blog!

  4. Thanks for the post Miss Kimberly!! We're already delving into the treasures you've shared with us. The children really enjoyed Miss Poter; consequently, it's rekindled their love of B.P. It's true...we can all learn so much from each other <3 Small things with great love!


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