
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

springing into summer~

Spring ended at some point.  We finished up school for a bit and I've been busy at the Farmers Markets each weekend.  I have two more weeks and then a break until Autumn.  The extreme heat of Summer is too much for my Body Butters and various Balms.  They'll melt into puddles of oils that just aren't pretty.  ;)
I was beginning to think I would not be able to get back here to blog again.  With my personal accounts and my business accounts both on Google, they just don't play nice together. I've only got a moment, but wanted to say all is well.  Well, well enough.
The bulk of my spare time has been spent putting in the gardens.  It's a lot of work to start from scratch.  Story of my life, isn't it?  I've got two garden areas this year that I've put in.  One is a half circle across the front of the house.  There were huge evergreen bushes that went past the roof line.  They were torn out (thanks, Dad) just before we moved in.  We did nothing there last year except grow weeds.  Now, I've got weeds and flowers and herbs and veggies.
The other garden is a 32x32 square out back.  I'm trying to put all my permaculture reading to use, but it's hard to do without a master site plan and that's just not possible at this time.  I'm trying to start something that can be incorporated into whatever the future plan is.  And keep the deer and bears and weeds out until more permanent (read:  not so ugly) fencing can be done.
Anyway, between the Markets, the garden, and the kids' daily swim lessons, I'm outta time to write.  Hope all is well in your neck of the words.
What are you growing?


  1. You seem to be very busy. GOD BLESS!!!

    Charlotte Moore

  2. I didn't hear back from my email so I'm not certain I sent it to the right email address.

    So good to "see" you here!

  3. Sounds so wonderful still. Farmers markets, gardens, plans and growth and future...

  4. Hi, Kimberly! :) I'm so glad to have found your blog. (I was searching Google for Emilie Barnes' scone recipe!) I saw in your bio that you live in Colorado. We moved here to Colorado 3 years ago from Texas. So fun to find a kindred spirit here!

  5. Happy to see you here.


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