
Friday, January 22, 2016

dusting off the keyboard~

I love being back here in Colorado. I can drive 15 minutes from our home and be here.  And that blue sky?  What can I say?  I longed for that blue sky the years in Idaho.  To have sunshine on a winter day is such a gift and one I seem to need.  Too much endless grey seems to seep into the very heart of me.

This is the heart Sweetheart tromped into the snow for me in the middle of a lake.  We went snowshoeing one morning while the kids were having a sleepover at Grandma's.  Last weekend all five of us strapped on our snowshoes and came right back here.  This heart was gone, snow and wind had driven it away.  Besides, by the time the kids were done there were tracks scattered all across every surface.

It was Cupcake's first time on snowshoes as in previous winters she's been light enough to float above the snow.  I clipped them on her little boots and within minutes she was running down the trail to catch up with her brothers.  The story of our lives.  By the end of all the off-rail running, climbing, jumping, and sliding Sweetheart had the privilege of snowshoeing with Cupcake on his back.  Occasionally, she wears even herself out.

Both times we've gone to this place to snowshoe we've run into a particular person.  I don't know her name, but I'll ask next time.  She's 86 years young, has only one lung and had me crank up the oxygen bottle strapped to her back a few levels before she took off down the trail.  She wears snow boots and has ski poles and just takes off with her dog and a big smile.  Makes you think twice about complaining that you are tired, or out of breathe at that altitude.

The first time we saw her she was taking off as we were heading back to the van.  I commented that I'd hope she'd be okay.  Sweetheart replied even if she wasn't, what a way to go.  True.  Live life to the fullest and step into heaven from this beauty?  I'd be okay with that.

Until then, I'll still be here enjoying the beauty outdoors and trying to make beauty within.  Winter is my least favorite season.  I must say the extra few moments of daylight each day have been greatly appreciated as they signal the coming Spring. 

Of course, I'm trying to live in the moment and be grateful for each season on the calendar and in life as well, some seasons are harder than others.  I am glad for the promise of Spring and that there is not eternal Winter, even on those days I wonder if the sun will ever return.

And I'll finish up by saying hello to my commentors.  Looks like a few of us from the olden days of blogging are still here, even if some of us have taken time off.  What a smile it brings to my face to see comments from my old friends!  A lot has changed in life, and blogging, in the almost decade since we began.  Thank you for letting me know you're still reading.


  1. Charlotte Moore5:42 AM

    So good to hear from you. Such a beautiful picture. Seems you are very happy to be back in Colorado. Proud for you all.


  2. Wonderful post!!
    Glorious sky! We had a real beautiful winter blue sky the other day!
    I don't mind the winter... But I have to admit that a snow day, without little ones racing around the house, is nice. I only have to entertain myself!!

  3. Wonderful to see this post. Enjoy and treasure these times with your beautiful little family. Best to you all.

  4. I love snowshoeing and go every Sunday with our dog, Ella. I can only hope to be your new friend. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. One of my best friends growing up is moving to Colorado this summer, I'll have to find out where. If she's close enough to you, I know she would be happy to have a friend out there! Looks beautiful, I hear the "old Kimberly" again: )

  6. Oh Kimberly - you are back... I checked so often - missing your tea posts and entertaining posts so much...
    I deleted a lot of blogs from my reading list over the last months - but even with you not blogging - I couldn't delete yours.. And now you are back.
    It would be lovely reading from you again more regularly... as I said.. tea and entertaining and recipe posts are missed....

  7. ... and there you are ...

    thankful. :)


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