
Monday, July 27, 2015


Living here is interesting.  There are so many wonderful things to do and see.  We are trying to make the best choices knowing there are only so many moments in a day. 

For so long, I ran from one activity/meeting/class/event to another.  When I decided to take a step back from it all a few, well, seven, years ago, I thought it would be a temporary break from running at a breakneck pace.  Interestingly, I discovered I liked the peace of a slower pace. 

Now, granted, the pace in Idaho was really slow, but somehow it seemed like there was just work.  When one could take a break, there was nothing to do for enjoyment that might involve others.  There was the rare town activity, but they were few and far between.  We're pretty good at entertaining ourselves, but sometimes even we would just want a break from the sameness.

Here there is an abundance of opportunities and activities.  Many of them are wonderful, but how much can one do without going a bit crazy?  July has been just to the point of overwhelming to me. 

August has a few days of Vacation Bible School and the start up of our regular school days. There are friends to get together with and work to do.  It's hard to say no to some of the opportunities as some of them I think sound like fun, but I know that we can only run and go so much before it's just too much. 

I'm not sure how to express myself in all this.  It's not complaining at all.  It is about not wanting to disappoint others by choosing differently. 

I don't know.  Madeleine L'Engle said it well, "When I am constantly running, there is no time for being.  When there is not time for being, there is no time for listening."  Somehow, it seems more valid when a "real" writer says it.  ;)

I need that time to just be and to have the stillness to listen.   I need that stillness to listen to the loved ones around me, but also to listen to my heart.  And I need the few free moments to take a walk around and pick the flowers above, just to replenish my soul.

Plus, I know when the others return soon they, too, will notice the flowers and smile and be happy to be home.  I want them to think of love, peace, beauty and rest when they think of home.

 I hope you have a wonderful week, Dear Ones, and thanks for stopping by.  I'd give each of you a bouquet and a cup of tea if I could.


  1. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Nice to hear from you! Glad all is well. :) Joanna

  2. Charlotte Moore4:47 AM

    I am not a person that likes to be going and doing all the time. It wears my body and my mind out. II really need a slow pace of things.

  3. I think we all shift from being extroverts to introverts throughout our lives.....i know I have. I find there are times I'm out gathering & times I'm hunkering down in my cave.

  4. Are you okay Kimberley?
    Greetings from Scotland

  5. Nessie-Thank you. I am. It's just not the write time for writing, I find. We are discussing some ways that we can adjust things around here so that I can come back to this place. I miss it. More than you know!

  6. It's months again... Everything fine with your family? I miss you and your stories. I am a reader for sooo long now. I loved your tea stories and everything you wrote before moving to the countryside.
    Greetings from very far away (Scotland, UK)

  7. I miss you and your posts...

  8. Do you miss Idaho a little? :) Love catching up on your posts, blessings to you and yours!

  9. Another month gone...

  10. Have a lovely Advent season... With lots of crafts, lovely cookies, tea, good books...
    Greetings from Nessie

  11. This will be my last comment as you obviously stopped blogging as well. But I would love to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and all the best for 2016.
    Love, Nessie


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