
Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I love memoirs.  I do.  There is just something so fun about a glimpse into another's daily life.  I guess it was the early version of blogging.  I love peoples' stories.  I love to hear their voices.

I am currently reading two biographies, one on Dietrich Bonhoffer and one on Beatrix Potter.  They are fascinating.  They aren't the quickest or easiest of reads for me.  Maybe though I just picked two people who did too much.  ;)

Maybe someday I'll write a memoir.  Sweetheart and I talked about writing fully about our time in Idaho.  We haven't figured out if it would be a comedy, or a tragedy.  Probably a good mix of both would fill the pages. 

Anyway, I went down this rabbit trail inadvertently.  I really just got on here because I wanted to share a quotation from a book I read awhile back that stuck with me.

"We don't wait for inspiration any more, having found that inspiration is mostly the application of the seat of the pants 
to the seat of a chair."
~Louise Dickinson Rich from We Took to the Woods

In other words:  sit down Kimberly and get to work.  So, instead of trying write something inspired here and doing nothing at all in this space, I'm just writing.  We'll see where it goes. 

By the way, I took this picture just after the blossom picture above.  I turned around and saw these guys just hanging out in the back where the garden will go.  See why the fence may be important? 


  1. Inspiration = perspiration!
    Comedy and tragedy are very closely related...both make each better!!

  2. What a wonderful quote! That's one I had not heard before, but I like it very much. Thanks for sharing it -- and for sharing two glimpses into the beauty of your world! The blossoms picture is lovely, but the deer one makes me laugh because they look so calm and at-home there. :)

  3. Linda---We'll see, mostly it's just made me tired.

    Davene---The deer are hilarious. They have absolutely no fear of us. They are so mellow.


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