
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Going on

We had another offer, another counter, and silence.  We've had a few more showings, but nothing else. 
We're still packing and selling things off and planning to leave.  I do not know dates, or details.
We sold the chickens the other night, but still have the roosters running around.   Hopefully, they'll find new homes soon.  We all miss the hens and chicks.  Two more chicks hatched last week.  We've loved listening to them all peep and cheep all summer.  We will eventually have chickens again.
I've taken tons of pictures, but can't get my computer to work right to be able to post them and do regular posts again.  Maybe someday.  Until then, know I appreciate your prayers and comments.  They mean a lot to me!


  1. Charlotte Moore5:46 AM

    I was wondering how things were going. Have you found another place to move?

    PRAY it all works out for the good.

  2. Continuing to pray for whatever is best for you and your family.
    best to you all,

  3. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Keep the faith! HIS timing will be perfect. Still praying~lisa

  4. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I am thinking of you! Will keep checking back. :)

  5. Thank you ladies.
    Nothing has changed here.
    We are sending most of our things on this week. They'll be stored until we arrive. We know what town we'll be in, but not where we'll live.


Thanks for taking the time to comment.