
Saturday, July 05, 2014


I had put some bread and scraps out in the pan in the yard for the chickens this morning.  Imagine my surprise when I looked out the window and saw a hen with seven baby chicks hanging out munching on bread crumbs.

We have had about 30 chickens for awhile, but June was a tough month for them.  Free ranging chickens has its downsides.   Two of the oldest gals had to be...culled for medical reasons.  Another died apparently trying to cross the road.  We don't know why she was crossing the road, but she did not make it.  And a fox has been seen skulking around leaving several odd piles of feathers in his wake.  That seemed to have occurred when we had an medical emergency a few weeks ago that left them unattended for 24 hours.

Anyway...I wasn't too sure how many hens we currently had and really hadn't noticed which particular ones were missing.  Some are distinct and we know on sight, others are breeds we have several of and can't tell apart.  It'll be fun to see what we've got now.  Hopefully, all seven will live and be hens as well.  We already have three roosters and do not need anymore.

So, for all the things that go wrong around here when something good like this happens, it makes for a happy day for us all.

1 comment:

  1. I so love baby chicks. Sorry for the decline in population. Hopefully, the seven will boost the population.


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