
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Watch Your Step!

PS-I've adjusted the comment thing again.  Anyone can leave comments now.  We'll see how it goes with spam....


  1. That first step's a doozy...

  2. We had our first really sunny day in a long time yesterday and today went above 32 in the afternoon.

    More snow is expected starting tomorrow and then next week a big warm up. Hopefully enough that the snow in our driveway will melt enough to pull the mini van in all the way for the first time in over a month!

    Love your chicken. I can imagine what Victoria would do if she saw the chicky on the other side of the window. As it is the cardinals drive her batty.

  3. Charlotte Moore4:45 AM

    What a pile of snow. We had 2 inches for the first time in a couple years. That is just a dusting compared to what some of you have.

  4. Totally hear you on the spam thing. Love the photo of the snow pile and chicken. gorgeous.

  5. It's crazy around here this winter. 14" yesterday....more tomorrow. Dealing with the wind today....ugh!!

    Love the rooster/hen (?)
    Love you too!!!!

  6. Great photo. I love the red hen against the red barn.

  7. Anonymous11:21 PM

    yay, I can comment again! lol. been reading your blog for years. still here. :)
    Joanna in ca.


Thanks for taking the time to comment.