
Thursday, February 27, 2014


The light brown egg is a normal-sized egg.  
The small brown one made us smile.   
The green one just made us all cringe.

We were getting 15-20 eggs a day before the last cold spell, then we dropped to 5-10 a day.  We've finally had some warmer days and a bit of sunshine which gave us 13 eggs yesterday, including the Hulk egg.  Today was all rain and cooler with only 7 eggs.  It's a bit crazy.


  1. Charlotte Moore4:34 AM

    Now that must be a triple yolk. I guess you could use 1 egg this size where it calls for 2 or 3. Hahaha!!!

  2. We've been getting 1-4 depending on the day. But we only have 5 chickens at the moment, so I'm pretty darn happy with the 4. I do wonder how they know to drop off in productivity as soon as I start running low on eggs though...

  3. Do you have an ostrich???

  4. Hi Kimberly,
    I haven't 'visited' in a while so I was readiing some of your older posts. We live in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and have had a dark and frigid winter(60+days below zero). I keep telling myself that spring will come. 8-) Love seeing pics of you sweet family and your life on the farm.

  5. Anonymous10:24 PM

    it's been over a month since you've posted. are you okay?

  6. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Yes. Just nothing to share.


Thanks for taking the time to comment.