
Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Taste of Summer

I mixed together a basic pie crust.  I just mooshed it into a tart pan with removable bottom and bake it while I mixed tons of chives into some cream cheese and sliced all those yummy fresh picked tomatoes.  When the crust cooled, in front of the fan, in the freezer, I spread the cream cheese around the bottom and arranged the tomatoes.  Then I sprinkled it with a mix of fresh grated Parmesan, my Herbal Salt, fresh chives and basil and some bachelor button petals all from the garden.
It was pretty and yummy and all gone by the end of dinner.


  1. Looks delicious! And somehow I missed your last post- how neat about selling at your friends lodge! Have you done any yet? I need to head out to my garden too, but cranky baby boys are making that a bit difficult...

  2. That looks beautiful and sounds delicious!! :) I made something sort of like that last summer, and then discovered that my boys hated it. We have the general rule that you have to try a little bit of everything and eat everything on your plate, so they dutifully ate their (tiny) portion. But I've been compassionate and haven't made it since! :) If I were cooking only for myself, I would DEFINITELY have made it again!! :) Maybe I still will...maybe their taste buds have matured since then. :)

  3. Kim, That's looks delicious!!!

  4. That sounds grand! I will try it this week.


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