
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What's Blooming Now

I gathered up a few pretties last night while I was grilling supper.
I've become rather proficient on the grill.  In fact, I grilled everything last night:  these veggies, chicken, eggplant, tortillas and even the peaches for dessert.  A little oil and a lot of my Herbal Salt make it all so good.  I'm using fresh herbs as much as I can, but I find the Herbal Salt works great on the grill especially on things where the fresh herbs would fall off or burn.
I love cast iron, don't you?  I can mix up whatever I want inside the skillets and toss the whole thing on the grill.  I get the great flavor I want, don't heat up the kitchen, and nothing falls through the grates or sticks.  It's perfect for the little things. 

1 comment:

  1. This post is making me hungry!
    Happy anniversary : )


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