
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

~believe in tomorrow~

I saw this quote on a pin a few days ago, so I grabbed a board from the demo pile on the back porch.  I think this was from the old window's exterior trim.  I grabbed a Sharpie and wrote it out quick.  I string some wire I had through the old nail holes and attached it to the old headboard I had already tucked in the garden.  It hung too low, so I just hung it on a broken branch on this tree.  I added some old ribbon and viola~garden art.  I can see it from where I am sitting at my Hoosier in the crazy kitchen. 
I cut some fresh lilacs and have them sitting next to me on the Hoosier counter as well.  There is a breeze through the windows coming in.  As much as I would prefer to keep all the old things on the house like the windows, I am near giddy at the fact I can have fresh air in my kitchen.  How nice it will be come canning season!  The Pride & Prejudice soundtrack is playing in the background on the computer.  It's a blissful moment.
Full reality check:  Every other thing in the kitchen is torn apart.  We have no water since Sweetheart shut it off yesterday morning.  I've got stacks of papers to get through on the Hoosier top, along side all the rest of the junk that's been dropped here because everything is topsy-turvy.  The kids are in the boys' room above me banging around and happily making quite a racket~louder than the P&P soundtrack for sure.  There is drywall dust on every surface of the house, even the ones I keep dusting.  It's still getting tracked in off the porch which I haven't been able to wipe up because their still working on it.  So the floors are simply a disaster.
"All" that's left is to finish plumbing, trim the windows, rewire the antique light fixtures, hook up the new dishwasher, get in the cabinets, level them and make the countertops, hang the upper cabinets and microwave and clean up. 
And we found out unexpectedly that Sweetheart's helper is gone for the rest of the week. He's a dear, sweet neighbor who has been helping Sweetheart and has taught him a lot, but we won't see him again until Monday.
And did I mention that I have company coming on Tuesday? Ah, yes.
So, I think I'd better get off my chair, and get cleaning what I can~without water, of course.

Little blessing treat this morning:  while I was washing off dishes this morning with the hose out back I looked over and saw a bright spot of pink behind the first fence.  When I was done being Ma Ingalls, I went over through the gate and found it.  It was a perfect pink tulip.  I never would have seen it if I hadn't been crouched down on the ground bending over the washtub.
I haven't decided if no water, but working pipes is better or worse than the three days we had this winter where the water worked, but we could not put anything down any of the pipes.  I think this is better, because at least I have the hose out back.  This way we can fill buckets with water to at least flush.
There are times I miss city life.
But they are short lived.
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  1. Oh I always appreciated the flush part:)
    Nice find with the pink tulip. Enjoy your company. B

  2. What a picture you've painted! I do appreciate the way you keep your focus on the blessings among the banes! Good luck and speedy progress to you.

  3. Wonderful....great idea!!
    So sorry about your kitchen rehab running behind schedule....sigh. All rehabs seem to run behind and over budget.
    Just family coming...right? They'll understand!!
    (I would!!!)


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