
Tuesday, March 12, 2013


So glad I chose to have the boys play outside the rest of the day yesterday.  Today, it's cold and gloomy.  Lunch will definitely be inside with both fires going.  And we'll squeeze in the school deskwork part from yesterday into the afternoon time today.

I've already read a few chapters this morning aloud.  It's the perfect time to be reading The Secret Garden.  We all were out a long time yesterday looking all around the ground and finding hundreds of little green shoots coming up everywhere the snow has melted.  Looks like my iris have survived.  Here's to hoping they don't all bloom yellow.  ;)
I did plant a bowl of wheat berries this morning in hopes of having wheat grass soon.  A bit of color will be most welcome.  I'm trying to bloom some forsythia branches as well and may try some apple blossoms soon.  Well, I'll probably wait until the more of the snow is melted in the orchard first.  The forsythia bush is right off the porch.

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