
Friday, February 01, 2013

Your Opinions Wanted!


Thank you, Dear Ladies, for all your recent purchases from our shop!
I appreciate your support more than you know.
I've been thinking of different items to add and I'd like your opinions.  I recently had these note cards printed and was thinking of adding sets of them to the shop.  What you do think? 
I know awhile back some ladies mentioned being interested in prints of some of the pictures I've taken around here.  Is that interest still there?  Would people like prints? Notecards?  Calendars?  Other?
Anything else you've seen on here you'd be interested in?  I'd love to sell scones, but I don't think I could get them shipped fast enough without it being too expensive to be worth it.
I'd really appreciate any ideas and suggestions you have!
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  1. I love that idea! People love bookmarks, too. What about a scone baking mix?


  2. I love the idea of notecards!

    There was a woman in our town who sold the most delicious scone mixes at the farmer's market. They were so convenient and made delicious scones.

    She created them so you have to make the entire package at once but she gave instructions on how to freeze them. My favorite was her lemon scone mix.

    She ended up becoming quite famous and now sells to tea rooms all over the country (and long ago left the farmer's market). :(

  3. Hi! I LOVE this print - it's SO beautiful. I think notecards of images like this would be awesome. Thanks for your fun comment about the tea infographic. I can tell you and your fam definitely appreciate tea :) Hope you're having a great weekend!

  4. I love notecards and have wanted to make prints of my photos too. But all the places I've found that print notecards seemed expensive to me. Would you share where you had yours printed? Was it affordable. You can email me privately if you prefer at Michelle


Thanks for taking the time to comment.