
Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It is hard to capture the sparkle of the trees, back lit by the rising sun. 
It is an amazing sight here, every branch shines.  Even the snow flakes drifted across the ground frozen solid shimmer and shine.
Though I must confess to looking forward to spring.  As lovely as it all is, I wouldn't mind warmer temperatures.  Weeks at and well below freezing get old.
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  1. The windchill in the area when I went to bed was -17 and it had "warmed" to -11 this morning. Only because the wind was less.

    I told myself last night that I'd be remembering these temps when it is 99 in the shade come July.

    However, it does give renewed meaning to "In the Bleak Midwinter". :)

  2. I didn't appreciate Sweetheart's comment along the lines of, "Just wait until next month when it gets cold!"

  3. Brrrr it's cold here with the wind. AND our heating went kaput! I'm Ok....not fun for Paul. We went out to lunch....and when we returned home the utility company arrived at the same time. Bingo our heat was on...tra la la.

    Lovely photo!!!

    ps...I like winter better than the summer...sigh.

  4. Anonymous9:22 PM

    This picture makes me want to get out my canvas and paints! Beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. Pam

  5. Beautiful image!
    It makes me long for snow - something I swore would never happen after spending my childhood shoveling driveways!


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