
Monday, December 03, 2012

Great News!

I just wanted to share that the Craft Fair this weekend went really well.  I was able to sell quite a lot~about double what I'm used to!  For a sale in this town, that was really suprising.  :)  Thank you all for your kind support.  I also had a lot of fun just seeing people I knew from around town and meeting new friends.  It made for a great day. 
I was even able to pack up and get home in time to take the kiddos back into town for the annual Christmas Parade.  It rained and there were maybe five things in the parade, but they saw friends and got candy so it was a success.
I am hoping (!) I will get an Etsy Store up and running this week.  It kinda freaks me out, but it's time.
Also, last week was Pumpkin's 7th Birthday.  I'll do a post on that soon family so you can see what you gave him.  ;)
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  1. That is great news! There were over 110 stalls at my market and lots of stalls with similar products (so many aprons, hair clips and diaper bags!) so mine does stand out in the crowd! I don't think as many people came through this time but I actually made more money - maybe because people could get to the stall. I'm thinking of starting an etsy store too so will be good to hear how your experience is!


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