
Monday, December 10, 2012

Big Brother

These two are so fun to watch.  Except when she messes with his Legos.  Pumpkin is such a great big brother.  He'll sit and read to both Dumpling and Cupcake for as long as they want.  Here he is reading a Christmas book to her, after reading the Lego catalog together all cozy in my chair. 
She's's sometimes hard to get her to sit still through a single story, but she's getting better.  She and I sat there and looked at Victoria Christmas books and Christmas cookbooks and stories for almost an hour last week.  She has four books she's reading over and over and over and over right now.  One is a bit annoying, but all the rest are so fun to read to her.  She really likes Dance at Grandpa's, one of the Little House picture books.


  1. So sweet! Dance at Grandpa's is a favorite around here too!

  2. These moments of sibling harmony are PRECIOUS. Thanks for sharing these pictures! :)

  3. Kim,
    Heather's E is in constant motion too. Go, go, go....and talking allllll the time.
    lol.....sounds as if both E's are two peas in a pod.

  4. Just think if I had named her after Grandma, there would be three of them in the same generation! I hadn't realized Craig had named his daughter that. Quite a legacy. Part of why I didn't was bc Heather did. The Grandmas would never know who was talking about whom!

  5. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Very cute. Precious memories.

    Love, Dad


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