
Friday, November 02, 2012

Blog Housekeeping

I've been needing to clean things up around here for awhile.  I was inspired by this post.  Plus, it sounded like more fun than washing my floors which are suddenly sticky from juicing grapes all afternoon.
I'd love your feedback.  I mostly cleaned up and deleted the stuff on the side bar.  I switched some things to Pages at the top.  Others, I am trying to work into the Tabber Widgetty Thingamabob under my picture.  Ha!  HEEEEELP!  I may have to delete that one and start over.
Is there anything you think I should add in/remove?  How is it loading on your screen? I adjusted the margins, but I have a really wide screen.  Anyone reading this on a mobile device?  Do I need to change anything for you?  Anything broken besides the tabs?
I may add back more pictures/quotations, but we'll see.  I kinda like the simplified approach.  My header is really old.  I'd like to update it, but I still do like it.  What do you think?  There's a whole other set of toes not even pictured.
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  1. Kimberly,

    I like the new look. It's easy to read and has a nice feel about it. Also wanted to let you know the Amazon Affiliate widget does work in Firefox.

    Good luck with everything, and enjoy the grape juice! I'm off to market to get cabbage, eggs, and apples for my weekend projects. The joys of a long growing season in CA.

    Blessings to you and the family,

  2. I love the new look but I only get half the right hand sidebar on my laptop.

  3. Cleaning up is fine...
    But I miss the link to Joanne's blog

  4. Stephanie--Thank you!
    Brenda--Thanks for checking back.
    Nessie--I'm working on it. Until then, google "the simple wife". :)

  5. I like it too! Clean. Simple. Pretty photos!

    Ideally, I would like to change mine to something clean as well. I like the clean look...looks professional!

    Not sure if you know about PicMonkey, but that's how I made the header for my natural hair blog. Picmonkey does collages as well!


Thanks for taking the time to comment.