
Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Hard to believe it has been five years.

He is such a wonderful boy.  Truly.
 He has such a wonderful way of seeing the world.
 His garden cake by request.

I love this boy more than words can say.

I wish you all knew him.  You would love him.
 He's so much fun!  And he loves his sister so much.

Here they are having a tea party on the " amazing, generous…" Grandpa Table.

With the Monster Trucks invited, of course.  This is totally him.  He loves dirt, trucks, dirt, noise, dirt, legos, dirt, fighting the bad guys, forts, digging, and playing hard.
But in the middle of it all, he'd do anything for her.

 We've got more birthdays coming up this next week for these two Birthday Girls as well! 
 We love you, Dumpling!  You've brought so much laughter to our lives these last five years.  And dirt.  Lots of dirt.  :)


  1. Happy Birthday dear boy...happy Birthday to you!!!!!

  2. Awww...beautiful children Kimberly...and such a big boy now! My big boy is now in his twenties!!! (We started our family young. :)

    Enjoy every moment as it goes sooo fast. Every phase of life is sweet but I do look back at the very young years of our children and am so glad I appreciated them at the time.

  3. What a cutie pie. Both of them are adorable. Aren't children just so precious? I love their innocent little faces.

  4. I can't believe he is five!

    When Christopher was born, I told people I didn't know how to be a mother of a BOY.

    Little did I know at the time how much fun it would be. I was telling Melissa last night (they came over for dinner) about hiking with him when he was very young.

    Little boys teach us a whole new way of looking at the world!


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