
Sunday, September 09, 2012

A Simple Day

It seems as though there is too much right now.  I've been doing so many different projects and making things that I've hardly slowed for a moment.
And so today, I've slowed.
I slipped off my watch and its three alarms before bed last night.
I slept in.  Bliss.
Cupcake awakened and chattered a bit.  Sweetheart got up with her.  The boys were so quiet I never heard them and thought they were still sleeping!  Being quiet in the mornings is not their thing.  :)
We've all just been hanging out around here today.  A neighbor stopped in to discuss Sweetheart's attic project and visit over a cup of coffee. Such nice neighbors we have.
Cupcake is down for her nap.  I was reading more Martin Chuzzlewit, but I snoozed for a few minutes myself on the couch while the boys played legos next to me.  They are now outside playing in the dirt.
I hung a load of wash on the line.  With the wind we are having it should be dry in no time!  It's all pretty linens and looks so nice dancing on the breeze.
I've got a mug of Earl Grey next to me and a pot of soup simmering on the stove for dinner.  I'm thinking a dessert doing something with all these pears would be lovely.  Maybe a quick crisp would do the trick.
All in all, it's a quiet, (well as quiet as it gets around here) simple day here on the farm.  There are so many chores and projects I should be doing that it's taking an act of will to do (mostly) nothing.  And so now I will take my tea and pick back up my book for a few more minutes until I need to get Cupcake up.  And the quiet will be done.  ;)  But I can start the morning tomorrow going strong and be all productive-like then having taken this day.
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  1. Sounds like bliss. I aspire to have a day like that. Working during the week dooms my weekends to a flurry of canning, gardening, and watering watering watering. I enjoyed just hearing about your peaceful day.

  2. Perfect....I think a Mom with young children should schedules days like this often!!!


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