
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Good Morning!

Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful day!  I just finished breakfast in the orchard and plan to spend some time upstairs sewing this morning.  Sweetheart watches the kids most Thursday morning and instead of leaving today, I plan on hiding and working on some projects.  A nice pot of tea and a few books shall fill in any gaps of time.
Then, we may have guests for the afternoon and the mad dash to prepare for Saturday's Market will begin.  I had someone I met at Market come over yesterday afternoon to help make balms because she wanted to learn, but we spent the whole time visiting and walking around, we never got to it!
I need to run into town as well to pick up a few things like more salt for my Herbal Salt mix.  It's been very popular.  I've sold out each week and could have sold more if I had it.  I've been drying oodles of herbs and hope to make enough for a couple of markets. 
I made the oil for the Healing Balm yesterday.  It was so nice to pick my own calendula and my neighbor's comfrey.  Once I have my own lavender, I'll be all set.  The neighbor has also offered as much comfrey as I need and told me to dig up some plants of it whenever I want to have it grow here.  It will find a place in my Herb & Flower Garden either this fall or next spring,once I have the beds ready.  I dried a bunch of both to have on hand as well.  It dried really well! 
A big batch of Healing Balm and a batch or two of Lip Balms should be enough.  My shipment of shea butter won't be here until Friday or Saturday, too late for making Body Butters for this week.  I've got a bit left and may try to make a small batch, but it is so messy I think I'd rather wait and just make one gigantic mess later.  Plus, it may allow some time to make some baked goodies to sell. 
I have to supplement a lot as all I've got produce-wise this weeks are herbs and zucchinis.  Maybe some potatoes, if I decide to sell them versus store them.  They are so good, I'd like to keep them all!    All my greens are done.  There are lots of wild plums to pick though and they sell well enough.  I'll pick whatever sunflowers I can and make a few bouquets of them with wildflowers.  They'll decorate the booth and be available if anyone wants to purchase them.  There is a lady that sells wonderful flowers already, but at least I'll have some on hand in case she is gone this week.
Well, I'd best go let out the chickens and gather up any eggs.  I also need to trim some shoots coming up in the boys' tree fort so they can play in there again.  I hope you have a wonderful day!
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  1. Kim...I'll have a wonderful day....thanks to your lovely post!!
    What a nice arrangement....Thursday mornings off.

  2. I would so love to see some tutorials on how you make the bath salts, teas, and etc. It sounds like so much fun.


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