
Sunday, August 05, 2012

Booth Details

The Overall Look
Guess I should have straightened this first!  I've been stacking the bushel baskets to hold large amounts of produce that's too large for the table.  Raising it up allows it to be seen, plus I just don't want stuff sitting on the ground.  Last week it was filled with radishes.  I also have print outs of recipes to use the arious things in that I tuck around for people.

This is a picture of the tables.  I saw a great thing another booth did yesterday.  They slipped a wooden block under their produce boxes to elevate the back end and make the veggies more visible to passer-bys.  I will be doing that next time.

I hung this old window on one of the tent sides with the other smaller signs I painted.  I printed out some of my favorite pictures and taped them inside.  This just makes my smile!  I will probably hang it up in my kitchen in between market days.


  1. LOVE it! It is (in my opinion) exactly what a farmers market booth should look like!
    Loved all the pictures in the last post too : )

    And I laid down for a whole 15 minutes today, and yes, if I hadn't found my dream farm for sale 10 minutes from me, I'd definitely think about moving to ID so we could be neighbors! (I should mention that said dream farm is also way out of our price range, and I am considering playing the lottery now, so I can buy it. Okay not really.)

  2. Oh looks simply wonderful!!
    Plus you have the cutest saleslady....and she works for cookies/tea!!


  3. Your booth is so charming...I love it! Wish I could stop by for a visit. :0)

  4. It all looks so nice!! You are gifted in so many ways, and it's a delight to watch your artistic nature flourish and bring beauty to your booth.

  5. How could anyone not want to stop and buy?

  6. Good job Kimberly! Sooo inviting and pretty! I am so wishing I could be one of your regulars and take some of that zucchini off your hands. :)
    P.S. Thanks again for the great pictures.

  7. Kim - checking in on you to say hi from your blog...everything looks beautiful! I have a new book out I think you'll enjoy...31 Days to a Happy Husband. You can look for it on Amazon or bookstores. All is well with my family - already back to school (year round school). Love to you!

  8. Kimberly!! This is wonderful! I love your set up, this is something I would love to do....maybe next year :) Wanted to stop by and say hello as well, I am just getting going again.

  9. Anonymous1:49 PM

    your booth area looks great! i would definitely shop there if i didn't live in ca. :)

  10. Kim,
    It looks great! I love the flowers. The old bushel baskets also add to the look. Such fun.

  11. Amazing! Beautiful! I would love to come visit with you, keep you company while you sell all that hard work! This is just incredible, Kimberly!


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