
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gad Zukes!

Our zucchini plants have started to bloom.  I decided to count how many I ended up with yesterday.  28.  Please send your recipes and suggestions for use.  I'll need them.


  1. I'm envious! The rain turned our zukes to mush last summer. My favourite way to use them up is grated and combined with homemade pesto in a vegetarian lasagne. Any veggie that can be grated can be used - combines well with carrots and pumpkin.

  2. Ooh, ooh! Zucchini is amazing! Zucchini bread is about the best way you can use them, in my opinion. :D
    This is the recipe we use:

    Sooo good, eatable every meal.

    My awesome neighbors also make
    zucchini-chocolate chip muffins...

    Just two of a zillion ways to use 'em. :D

  3. My favorite way to cook zucchini is: chop up a couple of different varieties of zucchini in bite-size hunks, toss in a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil, add some chopped, fresh oregano from the garden, add a sprinkle of kosher salt and some freshly cracked pepepr. Then toss it all in a grilling basket on the grill. Deeeee-licious! Bon appetit!

  4. What a wonderful predicament to be in! Such abundance! :)

    Here are my two favorite ways to eat zucchini (or any variety of squash)...


  5. Since there is just two of us at home now, I planted one zucchini plant.

    The only thing keeping it from taking over the entire garden is the drought and 100 degree temps.

  6. You can shred and freeze zucchini (just make sure to put something under it when it's thawing, and drain well -- it will be very wet!) if you don't want to do all your baking in the middle of summer heat. I just used up some of the last of last summer's zucchini for zucchini bread this week. I think the very last will go into zucchini basil muffins (recipe from Get Rich I haven't tried zucchini-cinnamon waffles yet, but it's on the list. You can freeze the baked goods, too.

  7. Found this on one of the blogs I follow. Thought that it was perfect for you today!


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