
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What Do You Want to Make Today?

Inspired by the Commencement Address at my alma matter, and email conversations with my talented Aunt Linda, I am thinking a lot about art and creating and life.
So, I am just stepping out there, painting signs for the Farmers Market, and trying not to freak out about every little detail, but to enjoy the process.
I sanded three board the other day and since it's raining today, I used naptime to paint.  I wanted to keep it all rustic/farmy, but still be pretty.  What can I say?  I like pretty things!
I sorta white-washed the boards with creme colored acrylic paint and lots of water.  Then I sketched out the lettering so as to not run out of room.  I am surprisingly pleased with what I've done.  I still have one board left to letter, but Cupcake will be up soon, so I will try for tomorrow.  The big board on the bottom with the farm's name was sitting outside.  It got totally soaked in the deluge of the morning--as did I on my walk--but I figured that since I was adding so much water to the paint it wouldn't matter too much anyway.
I've been designing signs, flyers, labels, and more the last few days and thinking about all the things I have to make.  It's crazy, but creative and fun.  And I always like to make things that last longer than a meal.
Now, all we need is some produce to grow to have to sell!  Our market only allows 20% of the items you sell to be something other than plants and food.  I may have to stretch their idea a bit.  You can eat most of my skin products, though I wouldn't recommend it!
As of right now I am planning on selling--
veggies, fruits
herb salts
herb vinegars
lavender sachets for the dryer
bath teas
regular teas
healing balm
vapor rub
body butter
three types of scrubs
and whatever else I am inspired to make
*maybe* baskets from Ghana like I use all the time

Any other ideas?  I don't have the time to can and sell those things, plus I may need a permit for that.  We use all our eggs at this point.  Bread and baked goods may also require permits and inspections.  I am still trying to figure all that out.  It depends on the county here in Idaho and I live in a different county than where the market is.  I'll sign off now as I am outta time.

So--what do you want to make today?


  1. Your signs are just lovely Kimberly. I wish you well at the markets. If you have been to my blog recently you will have seen that I have 'stepped out' and started to sell what I have been creating. I am now booked in for two handmade markets as well as my regular stall at the monthly market. My son has designed a logo for me and I'm about to order business cards. There's a lot to think about and I'm still finding my way. If I lived near you I would have you make me a sign for my stall! Perhaps there are other market stall holders who are not so artistic who need handpainted signs - something a bit different to the usual chalk board that will make their stall stand out from the rest! So maybe signs such as 'herbs' and 'farm fresh produce' might sell well! People might like them for their kitchens and porches too. I look forward to hearing about your first market.

  2. Kim...Fabulous!!
    I wish I could go to the Farmer's least your Mom will be able to attend.
    How often are they far to you have to travel??
    What an exciting new adventure!!!
    love, love, love you ! ! !

  3. Oh Kimberly this is a beautiful sign it would make me stop and look at what you have to sell for sure. You are very clever.
    I would love to live close enough to visit your stall. I think you will do well with what you have. It will be interesting to see what others suggest. Good luck but I am sure you will not need it. B

  4. loralie1:40 PM

    Fun signs. Good luck on your ventures. Our market doesn't have limitations on food/handcrafts, which is good because my handcrafts greatly outnumber the garden produce.

  5. I love it! I was just looking at your letter the other day and thinking what incredible handwriting you have...what a perfect venue for that gift! And I loved that speech by M.F. as well...the question keeps ringing in my head!

    love you. Thank you for your generous comments at my place, friend.

  6. How did it go? Did you have fun? Maybe a brown sugar scrub? I would love to do that. I hope it went or goes well. Love the signs.


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