
Thursday, June 21, 2012



This is the road I usually walk in the morning. This is our street as it curves and heads down to the highway and town and to the trail. The trail is at the bottom of the valley that I take into town.

Today I skipped that and just followed the road down and back up the other side a ways.  The road curves around the airport runaway and winds back up crossing the river.  I had never gone this way before and discovered an entire hidden valley.  It was so beautiful.  Words fail to describe the beauty.
The sun was just barely above the mountains and so the light was simply perfect.  I laughed as my shadow darkened and I began to appear on the road. I kept going and discovered a little one lane bridge over the river.  There are some flowers blooming there that I cannot identify, but smelled so sweet.

I continued down the road as the trees and hillside both grew closer to the road.  The morning sunlight was filtered through the trees creating this amazing sight.  The quail were all running around just ahead of me and I could hear the sound of the river.  It was like being in a magical kingdom filled with exquisite beauty.  It felt like I was on the edge of heaven.

I walked in awe and wonder simply worshiping the Creator of all this beauty and thinking of how even more incredible heaven will really be than here in the Shadowlands.


Would you like to take a walk with me?  Maybe tomorrow I'll drag my camera along and see what we can see.

1 comment:

  1. Your walks sound wonderful!!
    Yes...please bring your camera.

    I've been trying to get back to my daily walks....I go to exercise 5 days a week...but the walking is really great exercise. Last weekend Jen came out from the city and we went on a walk around Birchwood Lake... a nice way to spend part of Saturday. The bagels were an even nicer treat!! lol.


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