
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mixed Up Morning

poppy in the early light

I was out walking this morning early.  I've been getting up earlier and earlier to walk.  It's so beautiful around here.  I can walk and walk for miles and miles just listening to the birds and thrilling at all the colors of green there are. 
It's rare to see another human or vehicle.  For someone born and bred in the city, it's an amazing thing.
I feel like I am becoming a part of this place.  I am seeing and absorbing so much. 
Some mornings are still cold and yesterday rain threatened most of the walk, but I press on.  The other morning I was up early enough to complete a six or seven mile walk and still get home in time to make breakfast.  That was a long walk.
This morning was funny though.  I was walking along and heard a lamb call out.  Looking around, all I saw was a horse walking towards me.  No sheep in sight. 
A few moments later on the other side of the road, a cow mooed.  What did I see?  Just a dog. 
It was like one of those old toys where you pull the string and the arrow spins around, points to an animal and makes that animal's sound.  Only all the sounds were off and animal or two. 
Of course, it is also like looking at animals with Cupcake who barks at horses and moos for almost everything else.  Well, except the chickens.  That girl loves her chickens.
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  1. What a lovely walk...thanks for sharing!!

    Great observations....the mixed-up pull!!!

  2. Oh man, you are an inspiration! Six or seven miles before breakfast? I can do that! I can do that? I can...well, we'll see. :)

    Love these farm stories though...makes me want to run away to Idaho.


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